Resonance of past civilizations
Self-invented painting technique
I have invented a new, one of a kind vessel decoration technique, which I named Synchropaint. It enables touchless action painting of round vessels that have curved outlines, with continuous repetitive patterns fully covering their visible lateral surface.
Synchropaint technique is first possible thanks to a technical innovation consisting of an impulsive paint thrower. Due to surface irregularities and oscillations in the diameters of round blown glass objects, it was necessary to implement and synchronize the oldest action painting method by which one can apply color to an object from a distance, without tool for paint application touching the object’s surface.
Painting repetitive patterns is possible thanks to a second technical innovation consisting of a numerically controlled synchronization of impulsive paint thrower and a rotating vessel. With such synchronization of the two, it is possible to paint narrow radial segments made from repetitive prints of color dots from paint thrower, in a defined number of intervals along the certain circumference of the object. Furthermore, with arrangement of the narrow radial segments one above the other alongside the object’s height, and by their mutual partial rotation, various pattern structures could be created.
The action painting method is even used in the prehistoric art of painting caves. Before inventing a brush, which is used today, mankind used parts of goat fur. Going with a small stick over a paint soaked goat fur, the prehistoric man loosed off the fur’s fibers, which threw small color strokes or dots onto a rough surface of the caves walls.
Gua Tewet, the tree of life.
10,000 year old cave in Borneo.
The oldest technique for vessel and vase making by pouring clay or ceramics, or the latter working of blowing glass objects, are all based on shaping the material that is in its semi-liquid state, which affects the object’s dynamical curvy design.
Procurement of clear, high quality blown glass items for making new products, for us is the same as buying blank canvases or panels in traditional painting.
during the 1st century AD
Strict nature rules for survival demand designs of curved body shapes with composite structures, which ensure not only strength and flexibility, but also the possibility of internal or external exchanges and filtration of substances and information. Imitating these designs enabling Synchropaint's visual identity to exist in synchrony with every interior and exterior living surrounding.